Helping churches in restricted access nations of Asia and beyond to preach the gospel, make disciples, and change communities

Jesus said to them “The harvest truly is plentiful but the labourers are few therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2

Pearl 22

The vision:- Beginning in January 2022 and working with our partners in other nations Mission Outreach will deliver one million bibles to believers around the world, with a focus on restricted access nations.

Project Pearl was the secret delivery by boat of one million bibles to China under cover of darkness in 1981. This was a significant and pivotal event for the Chinese Church, and also for Open Doors who lead the project and our founder Eddie Cairns who was privileged to be part of that epic delivery which was his most treasured memory. In memory of Eddie, who went to be with the Lord in December 2021, the Lord has laid on our heart to believe for another million bibles – Pearl 22!

In April 2022 we were privileged to be able to interview Ivan Scott from Tauranga, New Zealand. Ivan was part of the Project Pearl team with Eddie Cairns in 1981. Click on the image below to hear Ivan recount his memories of that night.

The two scriptures that have guided us for Pearl 22 are Habakkuk 2:2,3 and Nehemiah chapters 2 to 6.

Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, so that he who reads it may run. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2,3

Nehemiah chapters 2 to 6 is the record of the building of the wall of Jerusalem which was a huge task that was fraught with opposition. It’s success was dependant on agreement, partnership and everyone doing their part. The people needed courage, persistence, endurance, determination, faith and unity. As a result they were finished in only 52 days.

The vision for Pearl 22 will be achieved by partnering with groups and organisations both in NZ and with our current and new partners in 10 to 12 nations overseas e.g. China, Nepal, Uganda, India, Philippines, Pakistan and others as the Lord leads. The figure of one million bibles will comprise full or part bibles, printed or electronic.

Informative Videos

This short video (2min 45) gives an introduction to the work of Mission Outreach in Nepal. This was prepared in advance of a ministry trip to Nepal in October 2022. Focus on Nepal

This 2 minute video gives a general introduction to Mission Outreach with contributions from Samuel Rai (Nepal) and Ps John Kwagala (Uganda). MO short intro

This 8 minute video is the full version of the 2 minute video above, giving an introduction to the vision and work of MO. Mission Outreach

Mission Outreach USA

The USA office of Mission Outreach is in its formative stages in 2022. We’re excited about the possibilities of expanding our reach and resource base. MO-USA website

2023-24 in Review


In 1975 our beloved founders Eddie and Betty Cairns together with Sam and Evi Abplanalp started Mission Outreach with the vision to support the persecuted church. With our jubilee 50th year almost upon us I thank the Lord as I look back on another amazing year of building upon that legacy.

We have been privileged to be involved in supporting thousands of people coming to the Lord through bible deliveries in many nations, together with training and equipping pastors and leaders in Nepal with the BBC discipleship program and supplying them with tens of thousands of teaching books.

Several new projects have been undertaken in Nepal as the Lord has continued to open doors for us to have increasing input into the beautiful people of this nation – which is almost exactly the same size and shape as the South Island of New Zealand but with a population approaching 30 million.

Pearl 22

We have been able to facilitate the purchase and distribution of tens of thousands of bibles and New Testaments into 15 nations over the last year for Pearl 22. God has opened doors to enable the delivery of bibles into new nations for us – Turkey, Burundi, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Mongolia. In addition we have continued bible deliveries to Afghanistan, Iran, China, Myanmar, Uganda, India, Philippines, Vietnam and recently audio Bibles for Pakistan.

I believe it is as a result of Pearl 22 that giving to MO has increased this year to our highest ever over our 49 years. We give thanks to the Lord for all our faithful supporters who respond to the Holy Spirit and give to MO knowing that every designated donation goes 100% to that project.

Significant Projects in Nepal

Emmanuel School Student Sponsorship. This year we have increased our sponsorship to 16 which enables children of poor and lower caste families to receive an education that otherwise they would have no chance of receiving.

Sewing machines for Deborah ladies. We have added the purchase of sewing machines to our support of the Deborah training. Generally the young women come from poor or abusive situations to receive the sewing and discipleship training. The gift of a sewing machine which they take back to their home community enables the dignity of a vocation to provide for their own needs and that of their families.

Asset Purchases. A non-functioning Christian radio station was purchased and will shortly recommence broadcasting with new staff and programming. Unrelated to this, land was purchased near the Indian border for a warehouse to facilitate the supply of bibles and other printed material to India, Bhutan, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur.

Medical Clinics. With three more clinics built in remote areas in the last 12 months this brings the total to 14 with future clinics in the planning stages. These clinics are funded by City Impact Church in Auckland and are opening doors for the Gospel to be preached in addition to meeting medical needs. Praise the Lord!

Outreach events. A first ever motorbike outreach was carefully planned and carried out to deliver 5,500 New Testaments over two locations. We supported Christmas gospel crusades held in three locations and despite opposition many souls were saved and New Testaments distributed.

Pastors training (Body Builders for Christ). We have now participated in the training of over 1400 pastors and leaders who are passing on the training to almost 19,000 believers. The printing of tens of thousands of teaching books has been an important part of this equipping along with our team visits to Nepal.

Other Highlights

In New Zealand MO is the largest supporter of Life Talk Ethnic Radio that broadcasts 24 hours a day, now with seven transmitters in South Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty areas. More transmitters are planned.

The Prayer Room is our power house. We meet weekly on Monday evenings in person in central Tauranga with others joining in on Zoom. Many more take advantage of using a WhatsApp group to share prayer and praise reports. The Lord is continually speaking to us and we praise and thank Him and plead the blood of Jesus over so many situations as the Holy Spirit leads us.

We continue our monthly financial support of pastors, their training, and other strategic workers. In addition we occasionally support humanitarian or disaster relief projects connected to our key strategic partners.

Closing comments

I feel the Lord’s hand on MO, and His peace and presence as He guides us day by day. Jesus as a boy knew that He must be about His Father’s business and that is what l want for MO – to keep doing the Father’s business and keep building His Kingdom with every opportunity He places before us. So let us work while it is day and believe for and expect even greater things ahead for MO this coming year.

Neil Mossop – Director
(for the year ending 31 March 2024)



Just as the cells of a human body are progressively replaced but the body essentially remains the same, so the activities, projects, and personnel of Mission Outreach may change slightly over the years but the mission remains the same. The legacy of founder Eddie Cairns to support the persecuted church has continued to find fruitful expression over the past 12 months.

We are so thankful to our supporters through whom God releases funds month by month. As a board we are conscious that we must steward these funds well. We are always looking for cost efficient purchase and delivery of bibles. Sometimes it appears a wiser choice to supply New Testaments instead of whole bibles thus getting the Word of God to more believers. This is often the case in Nepal where Mission Outreach funds the provision of thousands of New Testaments which have great impact on many who come from a Hindu background.

Part of the stewardship is also checking that our contacts are faithful and reliable. In most cases we ask for photos and testimony reports to come back to us so that we can be assured that funds are used as intended and then we can also pass some of these reports and photos on to our supporters and prayer partners.

The Pearl 22 project to supply 1 million bibles (whole or part) to the persecuted church continues to motivate us. So far we have achieved around 15% of this ambitious goal, but nevertheless rejoice that bibles continue to go out month after month, and that every bible in the hands of a hungry soul is a life changed.

Thankyou Lord for the privilege in participating in this precious work, and enlarge our capacity that we may carry a greater burden of stewardship.

Alan Taylor – Chairman
(for the year ending 31 March 2024)

The new Bible School in Chitwan (Nepal) with local pastors and leaders.

Click image for video – emergency medical supplies are provided in Nepal (June 2021)

2000 copies of “First Love” by Geoff Woodcock roll off the new printing press in Nepal.

Click image for video – church members in Uganda celebrate as Bibles funded from NZ are distributed

Bibles supplied to grateful believers in Pakistan

Dalit (lowest caste) women are trained in sewing so they may earn an income. Nepal.

Click image for video – it’s the mothers and children who suffer most with the destruction of their homes in the floods.

Click image for video – Body Builders Equipping in Nepal

Click image for video – a volunteer tells of the rice distribution in the mountains of East Nepal

Another medical clinic in Nepal. Many salvations result, in addition to improving village health.

From the Director

Dear Friends

Mission Outreach has a very rich heritage of over 45 years of ministry to restricted access nations of Asia and the church in New Zealand. As always, we are very excited about what the Lord is doing.

With so many very good friends made by Eddie and Betty Cairns and other leaders and supporters of MO over the years, I am so blessed to see so many new friends joining us in the ministry.

I heard a Prophet say recently, “Honour the past, Live in the present, Look to the Future.”

We honour the past with what God has done through MO:

  • hundreds of thousands of Bibles delivered into many restricted access nations of Asia
  • thousands of believers trained in God’s Word
  • thousands of souls saved
  • the support and encouragement of hundreds, if not thousands, of leaders throughout Asia and New Zealand.

We live in the present: As at June 2021 MO has almost completed the training of 1000 pastors and leaders for the establishment of one thousand Equipping Centres in Nepal in one year.

The flow on effect is, the equipping centres will train up to or more than 20,000 believers who will become leaders and church planters of thousands more new churches – it’s amazing. We continue to support:

  • buying and delivery of Bibles into Nepal, Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Uganda
  • Bible Colleges and School of Workers (SOW) training in Nepal and Thailand
  • audio Bibles into North Korea
  • Nepal radio ministry
  • support of pastors in Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan, Thailand
  • Laos Livelihood Project
  • emergency food and medical supplies in response to Covid-19

We look to the Future: We are looking to God to open doors of opportunity into Iran and the Philippines. The Lord is going to draw young people to join us at MO and release them into leadership. We also believe that we have a new mandate from the Lord to teach and impart the Apostolic and the Five-Fold gifts of Ephesians 4:11. We will continue to support the discipling of the nations and releasing the church into excellence for the Lord.

We also have a heart to serve the church in New Zealand as we are all Kiwis that love our country and want more of God here in Aotearoa.

We believe there is an exciting future for MO and we look forward to partnering with you all.

Blessings, Neil Mossop


Where we operate

Mission Outreach has purchased and delivered Bibles and New Testaments into the following countries (coloured red on the above map) through our partners.
Asia: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Iran, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Tibet, Turkey, Vietnam
Europe: Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Ukraine
Africa: Burundi, Uganda