Projects & Resources

  • Here are the projects Mission Outreach is currently supporting and facilitating. If you wish to give to any of these please enter the amount in the box below each project's description. Payment is by credit card. Or if you wish to pay by direct credit you can make a direct deposit to 02-0466-0034018-00 then email [email protected] with details of your donation.

    We appreciate the generous support of our many supporters - thankyou and God bless you.

  • PEARL 22 - One Million Bibles in 2022

  • Pearl 22 General

    In 1981 “Project Pearl” comprised the secret delivery by boat of one million bibles to China under cover of darkness. Now, over 40 years later, Pearl 22 will launch in 2022 to deliver one million bibles to needy believers. With your help we can deliver the life-changing Word of God to restricted access nations and other unreached and desperate peoples around the world.

  • P22 - China

    In 2021 Mission Outreach supporters funded the provision of over 5000 bibles to believers in China. A researcher on church growth in China found that the Bible itself, along with the influence of close relationships, were key factors in people coming to faith. With the number of Christians now in the many millions we wish to continue providing bibles to the needy believers in China through Pearl 22.

  • P22 - Nepal

    Having worked in Nepal for over 25 years now Mission Outreach has developed good relationships with key contacts there. The need for bibles is growing as more and more Nepalis are following Jesus. We invite you to partner with us in providing thousands of bibles in 2022 for our precious brothers and sisters in Christ in this beautiful nation.

  • P22 - Uganda

    Our key contact in Uganda works apostolically with other pastors and together they are seeing many hundreds come to Christ. A recent event towards the end of 2021 saw 2300 people recorded as deciding to follow Jesus. More events are planned so we anticipate a huge need for bibles. Can you help us?

  • P22 - India

    We have several contacts for India who all have a need for bibles in the churches they work with (Telugu and Hindi language). The church in this nation is growing rapidly, as fear and persecution have opened the door for the Lord’s people to reach out and share the gospel of Jesus. The cost per bible is $3.50.

  • P22 - Pakistan,Afghanistan

    We are excited about what the Lord is doing and will do in these nations through the provision of P22 bibles. It can be dangerous getting bibles into these nations but God always finds a way to get His word through. We are able to purchase them for $5.30 each.

  • P22 - Ukraine

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee the country. In cooperation with other ministries, we are helping to feed these hungry souls with the Word of God. The cost of these is $4.80 each.


  • At the moment we have no short term projects as the focus is on Pearl 22.


  • Tibet - National Workers

    This nation is closed off to foreigners, however through our contacts we are able to support national workers who are providing pastoral care and leadership to believers. It costs $75 to support one leader for a month (that’s $900 for a year). All funds received are forwarded.

  • Nepal - Radio Programme Ministry

    Gospel for Tribes and Nations currently broadcasts three radio programmes from Pokhara – in the Nepali, English and Gurung languages, and reaches approximately 1 million people. Your prayer and support is of great value for the success of this programme. Monthly Goal: $700.

  • China – Pastors

    Many pastors in China minister in the face of hostility and persecution and with meagre resources. Mission Outreach supports the basic needs of several pastors who are on the front lines of winning souls and building the church and have limited ways to raise support.

  • Nepal - CMTC College

    The cost of running the training programmes for one year with two batches of students is $1600 each month.

  • Where Most Needed

    Mission Outreach relies solely on the generous gifts of our supporters, whilst our faith is firmly founded on our Heavenly Father who knows all our needs even before we ask. Your financial gifts enable bibles, support, relief, training of local workers, and most of all the spread of the gospel through all means possible. Thank you for your generosity.

  • Leave a Legacy

  • A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact of eternal value. A bequest to Mission Outreach may be made in your will or trust. Contact [email protected] for further information. Wills are important legal documents, and you should consult your lawyer.


    Did you ever want to impact your world for God? Leave behind your mark?

    Eddie Cairns was a man who dared to change his prayer from “Lord send labourers into the harvest field” to “Lord send Me!”

    God took him at his word and showed him that if he dared to trust Him, He would take him not only into storms, but also through them. He would learn how to “Catch the Wind” of the Holy Spirit and rise with the current like the eagle.

    Many times Eddie has moved with God and achieved the seemingly impossible. His stories of delivering one million bibles to 20,000 people on the beach of China to travelling to the tribal peoples of Tibet, Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia will encourage you to trust God, “Catch the Wind” and go with Him into the harvest field.

    Suggested price $25 plus $8 (NZ Postage) or you may like to simply give a koha (donation).

    To order in USA please contact Warren Young: [email protected]

  • From Maoist Commander to evangelist for the Lord Jesus Christ, the story of Samuel Rai is a story of God’s grace upon a willing servant. His involvement with the Maoist movement of Nepal at an early age reveals the heart of this young man to be a liberator of oppressed and downtrodden humanity. Seeking to bring down the tyranny of government and caste systems he realised that the tyranny in his own heart had to be transformed first. Following a dramatic encounter with God his desire for human liberation became an unquenchable yearning to take the message of Christ and His peace to all men, especially his own nation.

    Rejected by family and friends, misunderstood by many of his Christian brothers, and facing deprivation, rejection, persecution, and possible death, he pressed on to follow the call to go and tell the story of Jesus.

    This story of the life and suffering of Samuel Rai will inspire all who are willing to lay down their lives for the cause of the gospel. Today Samuel continues to lead, build and equip in Nepal and other nations.

    OUT OF STOCK - Working on an updated reprint


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